Students enrolled in an ACOTE® -accredited occupational therapy education program and scheduled to graduate with an entry-level doctoral degree may request that their university or college registrar submit a Degree Verification Form (DVF), within six (6) months of the their anticipated graduation date, on their behalf if they have successfully completed all degree and graduation requirements, including occupational therapy education, Level I and Level II Fieldwork, and the doctoral capstone experience and project. The form may only be used within the same calendar year as the student’s anticipated graduation date. Please note that the student’s pass/fail status will not be released until NBCOT® has received an official final transcript from the university/college from which the student graduated that confirms their degree date and degree title.
Tennessee State Licensure
OTs are licensed in Tennessee through the State of Tennessee Department of Health, Health Related Boards, Board of Occupational Therapy. Hyperlinks for rules and regulations governing the practice of OTs in Tennessee are posted on
Tennessee Association of Occupational Therapists (TNOTA)
TNOTA is the only statewide association representing the educational and professional interests of Tennessee’s OTs. Their mission is to promote accessible, quality health care, and to advance the education, profession and practice of OTs in Tennessee. Student members may attain continuing education units (CEU) at TNOTA conferences and workshops, be elected to the Student Representative position on the Executive Board and maintains an electronic job bank.
American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
The American Occupational Therapy Association is the national professional organization for occupational therapy practitioners and students. AOTA represents 65,000 members across 50 states advocating for services and providing research and resources for therapists and consumers. A variety of publications, digital resources, webinars, networking opportunities, and conferences are available through AOTA. Additional resources can be found at the organization's website.